Black Mirrors 2 School Daze

Black Mirrors 2
School Daze
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                Three days have passed since my enraged attack against Jeff and those things.  Since then I have developed a nasty recurring nightmare and a bad habit of talking to myself.  It has become clear to me that I need to escape these crazy ass bastards, before any more of my sanity slips away.  The shadow beings seem to have a direct effect on emotional states.  This is my first and clearest observation of them.  The group that has picked me up against my will I might add seems to be military but something is off they are too well equipped for the end of the world!  It is as if they knew this was coming?!

                “Collins that’s a bad habit!”  “Hello Coralline so is sneaking up on people!”  He had his hand on his polymer blade poised to swing it upward.  “You were ready to attack me?  I was right you are suffering from it, you’ve never killed anyone before have you?”  “Of course not before all this happened the biggest thing I ever killed was a bug and now I have killed people or what used to be people.  I know what they were, I know they would have killed us but I can still see there contorted faces in my dreams as I shot them.”  Tears had begun to roll down his cheeks as another memory crept in. 

Why had she done that?  And, why even knowing through a psychic vision it was going to happen, why he could not stop it?  Coralline knew there was far more wrong with him than just three days ago.  “There is a mission briefing in an hour be there!”  Coralline quickly left the room clearly unnerved by something, minutes later she burst into Jeff’s room.  “Do you ever knock?”   “Jeff we have a problem, Collins is cracking and he has begun talking to himself.”  “He has never seen combat like that and talking to yourself is fairly normal it’s called thinking out loud.”  “Jeff he was ready to attack when I entered his room and before I did I overheard what he was saying, he does not trust us.”  “You did not knock on his door either did you?”  “I took an EMF reading without him knowing it matches some of our earlier data from Project P.  He’s developing too fast.  The hunter we created is still out there and he is pissed don’t forget that… Jeff!”  The snark in her voice was bitter and biting.  “Let me guess he is wondering why and how we are so well equipped, why we are so versed and well prepared for the end of the world.  I was just a low level grunt of a soldier when I first met you, you a beautiful cocky young scientist just out of the doctoral program at some university.  Then came Project P, I still have nightmares about it.  But it was how we learned of the black mirrors and their purpose.  We are only two people how could we stop a plan that had been in motion for centuries.  We need to break away from this group too.  It’s too late to stop their world domination bullsh*# but we might be able to secure a place for survivors to live in peace until all this runs its course and Pandora’s Box shuts itself.”

                “I almost forgot her is todays mission.”  Coralline handed him a badly stained brown folder with some hand written instructions and a crudely drawn diagram of the location they were to go too.  “They can’t be serious it was a school, it will be crawling with those shadow bastards and probably worse.  There will be taken there too!”  “Jeff that is not just any school it was a prestigious and well known experimental school equipped with the latest and greatest technologies, they are sending us straight into HELL, I think we have out lived our usefulness to them and they are trying to remove the last traces of Project P but at this point who would care?!”  “Coralline we need to get out and take Collins with us; they can’t get someone with his potential not again.  They want us to destroy any and all black mirrors in the building at night, I’m overriding that order we go now!  Go get Collins and the other newbies we are not taking any of the seasoned veterans on this one.  They are sending too many squads for this.”  “What excuse are you going to give Jeff this is out right…”  “We are taking in a scouting party there are too many unknowns and Collins’ talents will make it believable.”

The school (Hell’s Gates)

                “Jeff let me get this straight you want us to go in there and destroy black mirrors?!  You are out of your F@#king mind!”  Collins pointed at the wall nearest to them “just beyond this wall I can see over a hundred pairs of burning red eyes and at least three things as tall as the Hat man with tentacles for arms.”  He quickly lunged pulling his gun and pointing it at Jeff’s head.  “You are going to explain to me why I should listen to you and not kill you, I doubt anyone here would care if I did you’re a bully and a jerk the world has ended and so has morality.  Coralline you so much as twitch and I pull the trigger and shoot you next I know you’re on his side it doesn’t take a psychic to see the connection between the two of you.  I get the feeling you two knew the world was going to end and that you might have been involved with its downfall or at the very least in the know.  I see you only brought the newbies with you today so that tells me even you don’t trust whoever is pulling the strings either.”  In a shaky voice Coralline started “it’s complicated…”  Before she could finish a woman’s scream echoed through the halls of the school building.  There was someone alive in there who was not one of the taken and she was in trouble. 

                Collins holstered his gun and charged inside pulling a small crystal object on a chain that no one knew he had.  It was a chunk of Amethyst quartz set up as a dowsing pendulum.  The world had ended on his birthday and this was a final gift from his late wife.  As he suspended it and let it come to rest he asked it which way show me.  It circled and then pulled to the right motioning for him to go upstairs.  Now on the second floor he asked it again which way it motioned to go down the hall, he could feel eyes everywhere but pressed on as beads of ice ran down his face, he was sweating profusely but this place was like being in a freezer as he came to the end of the hall there were even more stairs going up.  He stopped yet again to ask which way to go and once again the pendulum swung indicating he needed to go up higher.   As he took his first step up he heard a loud growl from behind him.  The sound had no clear origin other than it had come from behind.  He muttered to himself “so it begins!”

                On the next floor there were desks flipped up like someone had made a last stand.  One of the desks had been shattered with such force that the wood had splintered and the metal had bent inward it even looked as if there were knuckle impressions in the metal.  Just beyond the broken desk were several puddles of dried coagulated blood.  It was clear to him he was standing in a tomb.  There was far too much blood for someone to have walked away alive.  As he studied the scene the growl roared out once again.  This time it was louder and it echoed.  He quickly stuffed his pendulum in his pocket and drew his sword, being made of a high end plastic made it useless as a blade at least against the taken, but against those shadow bastards he thought…  It will tear them apart.  The temperature was dropping as each breath became more and more visible an etherial shift was about to occur.  He stood in a defensive position blade extended in front of him the blade at a forty-five degree angle tip pointed to the ceiling.  All had fallen silent.  Then the creaking started, followed by loud knocking sounds that were coming closer and closer.  As the sounds were right on top of him the glass in the windows and doors started breaking.  At first it was just little hairline cracks, then it was entire panes falling out of their framework and finally the glass started exploding with such force that the only direct comparison he could make was too a bomb going off. 

                He started to laugh as he thought to himself how far I’ve come at one point a situation like this probably would have made me piss myself.  But I am actually excited to see whatever is doing this.  He had just noticed the odd shape of the hallway he was in; it was a circle of doors.  All of them closed except the one straight across from him.  Suddenly the silence caught up to him, all of the activity had stopped?!  As he took a moment to look around he saw one of the doors slowly begin to open but as soon as he looked at it, it slammed shut.  Then he saw another door opening as he focused on it, it too slammed shut.  One by one all the doors but the one across from him had done this.  Then once he had taken a step forward all of them opened at once, all the rooms appeared to be empty but the temperature was still dropping.  The doors began to all open and slam as all of their handles jiggled and rattled.  Only one door had not moved.  He decided to put up his sword and rely on his pendulum once again.  As he let it slowly swing to rest he noticed it was pulling toward the door that had never moved.  The window in the door was the only one intact?  Why was that door unaffected?  Am I close he asked, the pendulum motioned yes, is she beyond that door?  Once again it motioned yes.  He had not noticed but a pair of living eyes was now watching his every move.

Beyond the Door

                The moment had passed and she had found her brother, what was left of him anyway.  As her tears dried she became aware of the fact she was no longer alone.  Her heart raced had she attracted the attention of those things?  The shadows she could deal with but the turned humans were another story.  Her brother had died from a mortal wound to the chest.  A large broken chunk of desk was lodged in his rib cage.  Only his skeleton had remained something had clearly stripped away and ate his flesh.  The only question was what?  She knew it was him because of the necklace she had found in the pocket of a shredded pair of jeans.  He never listened to me; her tears had returned as she held the necklace but even if he had been wearing it he would still have died from that wound.  She bundled up what she could find of his skeleton, I can’t leave him here not in this place!  I need to get out of here as she went to the door she saw a man holding a pendulum.  He was handsome, mid to early thirties slightly greying brown hair with bright hazel eyes.  He was fairly muscular too but then she noticed his side arm and sword he was one of them, the collectors, men and woman capable of going toe to toe with the shadows and turned humans.  They were rumored to take any survivors found and make them join their ranks.  To make it worse this one was alone which implied he was a powerful psychic soldier.  But something was off even their strongest are supposed to move in teams of three.  Why was he alone, before she finished her though he was at the door sword drawn, then she realized why he was alone he was also a survivor that had been collected.  The sword was a dead giveaway, she had heard all the rumors the newbies carried polymer practice swords weighted the same as the real deal but being plastic can’t cut anyone. 

                Slowly he placed the tip of the sword on the door and pushed it open.  Before he even saw her she kicked him in the gut and squeezed past him into the circular hallway.  “You won’t take me collector!”  Before he could question her further a door he had not noticed before crept open and out it stepped oozing into the room.  The door to the stairs slammed.  Towering over them was an eight or nine foot shadow with tentacles coming out of its back.  The thing had no eyes or even a face.  It did look as though it was wearing a black pinstriped suit with no tie though.  As the girl stared at him and he stared back at her both of them realized what had broken the desk the marks on the metal were not knuckle impressions…  They were the dents left by crushing tentacles!  “We are in deep sh*#” he mumbled “Get behind me I will try to hold him back and get you out of here!”  Her assumptions about him were only part right he was a newb but he was also heroic.  He had the sword fully extended pointed at monster.  Out of all of the records he had read nothing like this one had ever been described.  The girl was watching his lips as he mumbled his mantra the thing screamed in pain as he continued.  She thought she recognized it, but how had he learned it.  Slowly she put her hands together to make the hand sign that went along with the mantra and waited for him to begin it again.  She joined in unison with him.  A golden light began to surround them and its darkness which had all but swallowed the light in the room vanished.  Collins wasted no time running into the room that thing came out of finding a large built in monitor.  It was the largest black mirror he had ever seen.  She walked in just in time to see him pick up a chair and smash it to bits.  “Why did you break that?”  She asked.  “That is what I have been taught to call a black mirror; they were created with some kind of arcane wisdom and then marketed as the latest and greatest thing to the whole world.  They act as portals for those things and were all triggered when the latest generation of wireless technology was activated.  Basically they are Pandora’s Box and someone did this on purpose!”

                “I was wrong about you, I am sorry.”  She walked up to him and pulled out the necklace she had once given her little brother, “may it guide and protect you.”  It was a chunk of raw amethyst crystal on a chain funny how that kept coming up.  This was the first real good look he had gotten at her, she was gorgeous looked to be of Chinese descent dark black short hair about mid to late twenties.  As he stepped back he smiled and before he could say thank you the floor under them collapsed and as they landed on the floor below them it too started to break up, quickly he grabbed her hand and pulled her in front of him pushing her through an open door “please run from this place, I never saw you!”  And, just like that the floor fell through and him with it.  “He never saw you but it’s too bad I did!”

To Be Continued...

Black Mirrors 3

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