
Showing posts from March, 2017

1313 Cemetery Way 4 Lost Time

1313 Cemetery Way 4 Lost Time 1313 Cemetery Way 3 Also checkout my other works.   Amazon Author Page and like me on Facebook   Haunted Castle's Books Facebook Page Blog Series Forget Me Not 1313 Cemetery Way  Black Mirrors           "How did you know I had a dream?"  John was highly confused.  The last things he remembered were placing the last book on the shelf and then holding that strange sword hanging on the other side of the room.  Waking up in Claire's lap was even more shocking.  How did he get there without waking up?   For that matter what time was it?  Clearly as far as he could figure hours had passed his parents were probably wondering where he was.  All he had told them when he left was he was heading out to run a few errands.  What he could tell from Claire's countenance was time did not mean much to her this should have been one of his first clues.  Claire had seemed out of place t

1313 Cemetery Way 3 Her Name is Claire?!

1313 Cemetery Way 3 Her Name is Claire?! 1313 Cemetery Way 2   Also checkout my other works.   Amazon Author Page and like me on Facebook   Haunted Castle's Books Facebook Page Blog Series Forget Me Not 1313 Cemetery Way  Black Mirrors           She's in a bunny girl outfit, why is she in a bunny girl outfit?  These were my thoughts as I imagined her cracking a whip telling me to call her queen.  "Why are you in that outfit?"  I thought it a good question.  "Silly boy...  too mess with you of course!" The two of them stood in a large entry room the ceiling seemed to go up for miles due to all of the shimmering light.  It was unclear where exactly the light's origin was.  The walls and pillars seemed to be made from black marble, but clearly lacked the veins marble has.  By all rights the blackness of the walls should have absorbed and dampened the light but it didn't.  Could these walls

1313 Cemetery Way 2 Meeting Amidst the Stacks

1313 Cemetery Way 2 Meeting Amidst the Stacks 1313 Cemetery Way 1 Add caption Also checkout my other works.   Amazon Author Page and like me on Facebook   Haunted Castle's Books Facebook Page Blog Series Forget Me Not 1313 Cemetery Way  Black Mirrors Outside the Black cat the previous night: "Hello Seraphim."  The storm had lessened and was slowly blowing over.  At her feet sat a small black cat.  As she reached to pet him a familiar voice graveled out of the darkness.  "I see you found him again Claire or he found you?!"  The very air seemed to quake in response to this feminine foreboding voice.  "Hecate it ’ s been a while, wait you prefer Caty these days. ”   With a snickering snort Claire was laughing "That is so cute!"  As the moon peaked through the clouds a slender figure pale as the moon with long dark hair began to take shape.  Claire stopped laughing the second she saw her s

1313 Cemetery Way

1313 Cemetery Way Also checkout my other works.   Amazon Author Page and like me on Facebook   Haunted Castle's Books Facebook Page Blog Series Forget Me Not Black Mirrors             It all started one dark and stormy night.  Funny how these sorts of things always start like that!  I was sitting alone in my favorite corner of my parent’s coffee Shoppe.  My life had taken a turn for the worse so I for now am back home with mom and dad.  At age 30 this is a little embarrassing but that is how life goes.  As for how I got here let’s just say a few bad decisions and a girl were involved, end of commentary!  This place is not my home town but it will due for now.  When I moved out they sold their home and moved here to start over.  Before I graduated high school and thought about what to do next we suffered a terrible tragedy.   I had a sister we were in fact twins.              My older sister to be exact, she was the first born;