
Showing posts from February, 2015

The Ghost in the Mirror

The Ghost in the Mirror Also checkout my other works.   Amazon Author Page and like me on Facebook   Haunted Castle's Books Facebook Page Blog Series Forget Me Not 1313 Cemetery Way  Black Mirrors The Ghost in the Mirror               When I was little my mother and grandmother owned and ran a little antique shop in my home town, I grew up around all kinds of old and neat things. Most children can be destructive but I had a sense of reverence for these things, it was inspiring to me.  The older an object was the more interest I tended to pay it.   There was this one piece however that always made me uncomfortable.  I am not sure if it is a vanity or a dresser all I do know is, it is a Victorian era piece and is very old.  My mother still owns it even now it is one of the few pieces we kept when we closed down the shop.  Now that I am older it is not as scary to me as it was as a child.  The dresser itself is not the object I fe