1313 Cemetery Way 26 Child of the Ripper II

1313 Cemetery Way 26

Child of the Ripper II


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               It had been several minutes since John and Raxe left the room to search for Lament and her remaining Wolf pack members.  The whole house was shaking even more violently.  The child of the Ripper was coming and they were running out of places to run.  Wendy was the first to break the awkward silence that had befallen them.  "We need to take the fight outside.  In a closed in place like this we don't stand a chance."  Raven had a deathly looking grimace of a smile cross her face.  Her sister Calyst could not help but wonder what her little sister was thinking.  Before she could ask Raven began to laugh maniacally "that's it...!"  "What’s it sis?.."  "That thing is made of water and other liquids we can use that against it.  Wendy they do have concrete in your world don't they?"  Wendy smiled "I know where you are going with this and yes they do!  It won't be easy but it is a doable plan.  Unfortunately it all hinges on whether or not those two can get Lament to cooperate with us. 

                Across the house John and Raxe were searching room by room looking for Lament.  "Damn this place is huge!"  Raxe just laughed at John "this structure is one of the last functioning forgotten war installations.  It is one of the oldest things in existence made by man."  "All of you keep mentioning that war and people I don't know...  but I am now connected with due to my powers.  What was it?"  Raxe looked at him "she really has not told you anything?"  "She has but I want another's perspective on it."  Raxe sighed "To be honest Claire would know the most what the rest of us know are only fragmented bits of information hidden in the myths and legends of our worlds.  What I can tell you is the fragments of souls you seek and the many varied worlds you must journey too are a direct result of that war.  Even your current situation being dived into three beings.  I will tell you now be ready to witness worlds ending and beginning before it is all over.  Friends will die right in front of you.  The war never ended the key players just moved the game to one of influence.  Shhh Lament is close.”

                As suddenly as he had said it the wall next to them exploded with fangs, claws and growls.  The two of them were surrounded in an instant and as the pack closed ranks around them a snarling growl of a voice boomed from just behind the two of them.  “Raxe how dare you betray me, how could you?”  Raxe looked at John “We used to date!” 

                John’s inner monologue:  I know I heard him mention that fact before but… What the crapping hell have I gotten myself into?

                His eyes scanned the room around him.  Fangs and claws as far as the eye could see.  Suddenly his thoughts trailed back to that day.  The day he met Claire in his parents coffee shoppe that stormy night was so far away now.  “Raxe get close to me.”  John raised his shield pushing the pack back and like he had done with the dolls he morphed it into a spinning set of invisible bladed spinning all around them.  Lament saw the stones being cut and reduced to dust and decide to pull her pack back to one side.  John called out to her “your name is Lament right…  My name is John Ravenwood and before you ask yes I am related to Wendy and the half elves but only in a cosmic sense.  I am not from this world.  I know you have a vendetta against the people of this house and me for killing some of your comrades but we really don’t have time to fight this out.  That thing is creeping closer and it is hunting for me and my friends but it sees no difference between friend and foe, too it you are just a snack on its way too revenge.  What we are asking for is a temporary truce and cooperative effort to defeat that thing or we are all going to die the world included.”  They could all hear its gurgling roar getting closer.  Lament growled and looked at Raxe “the man you are standing with could easily kill us all couldn’t he?”  Raxe smiled “yes…yes he could though he has not realized his own strength yet.”

                “Fine, my wolves we are on their side.”  Their growls telegraphed their discontent.  “That’s enough of that this man could just kill us but he is asking for our help instead.”  Just then John noticed water seeping from cracks in the walls.  The child of the Ripper had seeped into the walls.  “We have to run” John yelled.  “Raxe lead the way for them I will try and slow it down.”

“I John Ravenwood am the bringer of bad dreams.  I am the Lord of Nightmares”  John was now holding a dream catcher and his aura had changed he was now more ominous than Lament’s entire pack.  It was clear to Raxe Lament was afraid of John now and she was right to be.  John in a past life had slighted Death and in his current one had been granted a special title by Death.  Raxe was confused on how he knew all of this but one thing was clear to him before him stood a legend in the making. 

                Wendy had been hard at work making a specially enhanced alchemically charged concrete.  So far they had four bags of it.  All they needed was a battle ground with very little water.  A desert region would be perfect.  “Nicholai be ready to transport all of us as soon as Raxe or John gets back we don’t have time to discuss a battle plan we will just all need to fall into step.”  Wendy was ready and even had plans to weaponize John’s dreamcatcher that Claire had told her about.  She had already transmuted the fragments of Excalibur all she needed now was the sword Dark thunder and the dreamcatcher.  And, if we can beat that beast I can use the remnants of it and the leftover material to make Kurt a truly magnificent gun, my Grendel will become real.  Her ghoulish grin had begun to worry Aura as she watched the door.

                Both Raxe and Lament burst through “John is holding it off down the hall!”  Raxe yelled.  Wendy grabbed the bags and yelled “Nicholai now!”  The light enveloped all of them and they vanished.  Wendy had realized with Nicholai awake they did not need to use a doorway to use the houses transportation system.  As they rematerialized  a horrible sight lay before them.  There were desiccated corpses everywhere and they were surrounded by water.  They had landed in a swamp!

To Be Continued...

1313 Cemetery Way 27

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