1313 Cemetery Way 25 Child of the Ripper

1313 Cemetery Way 25
Child of the Ripper

1313 Cemetery Way 24

All of my worlds are connected.  The back story to the Fairy Knights is contained in my Book Other Realms.  For sale on amazon.  Author page link below.

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          Lament's rage was palpable, in seconds three men had done more damage to her wolf pack than had been done in previous centuries.  Before she could move or even think a new problem had arisen.  The room they were in began to fill with water.  All of them scrambled to get away from it.  The water moved like an ameba tracking there movements.  A low gurgling hum filled the air as a gurgling, roar of a voice boomed out.  "I found them Daddy!"  Jack and John froze in their tracks there was no way but it was here the child of the Ripper was here.  Quickly they motioned for Kurt to join them.  As he rejoined the group Jack grabbed him by his belt and jumped clear as John smashed a wall to seal the stairs using his Death Scythe.  Jack yelled to Lament as they retreated "Take your mangy mutts and run!"

                Lament stood sniffing the air, the water smelled of iron and rotten meat.  However her rage drove her to continue the attack.  That was until the water engulfed one of her lieutenants.  Leaving him as nothing more than a desiccated Corpse, in seconds he had been mummified.  Horrified she ordered the retreat but the creature blocked their path.  Leaving her and the pack with no choice they had to run upstairs!  The original way was blocked but deep down she knew there had to be another way up there.  Quickly she and the pack ran through a far door smashing the walls behind them.  The creature began roaring like a raging waterfall calling after them in its gurgling voice.  “None of you will escape me!  Daddy I found them and I will consume them.”

                Upstairs Jack burst through the door like a madman carrying Kurt still and John was not far behind them.  Both of them were out of breath and both of them were white as sheets.  Kurt was the only one still slightly composed but that was because he had no idea what that thing was.  Aura ran to Kurt her orange eyes of the sunset beaming with concern.  “What happened?”  Kurt smugly looked at Jack and John and said it…  “We ran from a talking puddle!  The second those two saw it and heard it they ran dragging me along for the ride.”  Pointing at Jack “that cat looking fool even yelled at the werewolves to run before he carted me up the stairs” John and Jack’s color had returned a little as they began breathing easier.  John was the first of the two to speak “Claire it followed us!”  “”What followed us my love?”  “The child of Jack the Ripper is here and it seeks our lives.”  Before any of the dimensional travelers could process what John had said Nikolai interrupted them.

                “I hate to be the barer of bad news but Lament and her pack did not make it out of the house.  They are currently coming up a back stairwell heading toward you all.  I don’t have the power to stop them right now.  I am a little busy trying to contain our other uninvited guest.” 
The situation was as dire as it could get, all they needed was for the Vampire Arcane to make an appearance.  Far across the world however it seemed like that very well could happen his resurrection had already begun.  Slowly his body had started to reform and slowly his servants had begun the restoration of his fortress.

Nicholai jolted them back to reality “Lament is on the same floor as you all she is coming and she is pissed.”  Raxe burst out laughing “She is always pissed what else is new?!  I’ll Go and try to calm her down and request a temporary cease fire.  We may need her help beating that thing.”  Dusk’s Purple eyes widened, in the eyes of the night sky concern had shown itself “Raxe wait!...”  “I know sweetie…  I know!”  Unknown to the others several centuries of bad blood existed between him and Lament.  Once long ago they had been lovers but that all changed when he was cursed, forever losing his powers as a werewolf.  He left the pack without a word and the next time any of them heard of him was when he and some half elf were making a name for themselves as hunters of the darkness.  Before Raxe could leave the room john stepped in front of him “I’ll go with you, I may not look it but my defense is flawless and impenetrable.”  Raxe knew from looking at him there was no talking him out of it.  Silently they both left the room!

To Be Continued...

1313 Cemetery Way 26

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