1313 Cemetery Way 28 Voices in the Rain II

1313 Cemetery Way 28

Voices in the Rain II

1313 Cemetery Way 27

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                The first hit shook the air, but John’s shield held firm.  A wall of water washed over the circumference of the shield.  Calyst looked at Gustav “he’s gotten quite good with that odd power.  But how long can he maintain the concentration to hold a shield that size?”  A horrified look crossed Gustav’s face he knew she was right.  There was no way John could hold a shield that size for long.  “Calyst go get your sister and Wendy, and then we will all find Claire!”  “I think they are all with that woman Jack found.”  There conversation was interrupted by another colossal hit this one depressed the ground beneath their feet and cracked the foundation of the church.  The Child of the Ripper had grown far larger and obviously stronger.  Jack had taken up a position behind John and so had Kurt, Aura her sister Dusk and Raxe.  Gustav soon joined them as Calyst came back with the others.  Each one was carrying part of Wendy’s gear.  Wendy was walking calmly holding Sarah in her arms.  Sarah had descended into a fit of terrified tears “as she wiped her face she asked “how are we still alive…?  That thing should have burst in her by now!”  Wendy sat her down and calmly explained “My friends and I are not like regular people some of us are not even human.  There are more things to this existence than most will ever know.  We are all powerful in our own right.”  Gustav tapped John on the shoulder “tighten up your shield we are all in one area now.” 

                John just smiled and closed his eyes and did not reduce his shield Gustav wondered what he was doing.  Suddenly he yelled “get ready…”  His shield reduced just as another hit was on the way.  The creature missed his shield but impacted the part of the church where it had been.  The building splintered as if a bomb had hit it.  “Everyone jump now!”  Miraculously everyone listened as they did John’s shield formed a ball around them.  The force of the hit knocked them through the air tumbling wildly.  As they landed, they pinball bounced from tree to tree before coming to a stop in the middle of a sand bar, moans of discomfort were rampant but they all had survived.  Everyone looked at John and yelled in unison “next time some warning would be nice.”  They all began dusting themselves off as Gustav approached John.  He and Claire were the only two that had not yelled at him.  They both knew that in combat split second decisions mean the difference between life and death.  “John that was a brilliant play but a huge gamble!”  “I know but we needed to get away fighting it under those conditions is suicide.  Where did we land anyway?”  It looked like we are deep in the swamp, but this area looks like a desert there are sand dunes everywhere.”  Sarah had calmed down and realized they were all safe for the moment as she took a step and sank in the sand it occurred to her where they had landed.  “We are near the ruins!”  While everyone else was wondering what ruins Wendy pulled out the piece of newspaper and looked again at the remains of the article, on the back the tag line read, Desert like region found in center of swamp concealing ancient ruins!

                Before she could explain the roar that changed everything vibrated through them.  “Wendy why is your bag wriggling?”  Kurt asked as he drew his gun.  Aura soon had drawn hers as well.  A set of claws ripped open the bag.  Everyone ran behind Aura and Kurt as he yelled “what the hell is that thing?  Fess up Wendy what is it?”  Her voice shakily blurted out “it’s one of the desiccated victims!  I only wanted to examine it!  I didn’t…”  Kurt beat her to the punch “none of us could have known Wendy.”  The thing stood four feet tall and was basically a thin membrane of grey flesh over bones.  The beast was skeletal and had no eyes just empty sockets where eyes should have been.  It moved hunched over.  Gustav yelled “the damn thing looks like a hungry ghost from Chinese Buddhism.”  “Jack the Ripper was an insane alchemist using fragments of Excalibur to power his devices who knows what else he included in the creation of his child?”  Claire had said it so calmly that it was jarring. 

                The beast lunged at Kurt and Aura who both wasted no time in shooting at it.  The thing was surprisingly agile for a dried out husk.  Aura had forgotten she had loaded her gun with the same rounds Kurt was using.  She had not wanted to use her heavy rounds in the house because they are too destructive.  Wendy stepped in with her revolver and began to fire at the beast.  “Aura, load up your heavy rounds this thing is too fast for ours to work.”  Suddenly Kurt’s spirit cat Twilight joined the fight his shadowy claws ripping at the remains of flesh scoring the first and only solid hits on it.  “I John Ravenwood am the Lord of Nightmares and I have come to deliver you to the dream!”  Now holding the dream catcher John too was blasting away at it.  The thing just kept rolling and back flipping out of the way dodging every shot and blast.  Soon Wendy had fired all six of her shots and Kurt too was about to have to reload as his slide locked back indicating empty Wendy was ejecting her spent shells Aura stepped forward with her sights trained on the creature “Dodge this you little bastard!”  She fired three shots and to all who had not seen it before it was awe inspiring.  Three bullets had turned into a storm of hundreds.  There was nothing left of it but dust.  Wendy turned to Dusk “I have never heard her speak like that!”  “My sister is learning” was her only response.  As her purple eyes met Aura’s Orange eyes Raxe and Jack both yelled “Lament is her!”  She was standing at the top of a sand dune looking down at them pissed off.  Clearly she was badly injured as she stepped forward she fell face first and tumbled head over foot landing at Raxe’s feet.  “You set us up you bastards my whole pack is gone wiped out by that thing.”  Wendy knelt down “Lament we did nothing of the sort that thing interfered with the transportation somehow we just arrived here today.  We ported at the same time you did.”  Raxe grabbed her hand “she speaks the truth.”  “I know she does I could hear it in her heart beat.”  Lament reached her other hand up to Raxe’s face “She really is a better match for you than I was.”  Looking Dusk in the eyes “Take good care of him for me will you?”  Her hand dropped lifelessly to the ground.  “she’s gone” sighed Raxe.  Wendy looked at him “I’m sorry Raxe I know at one point she was…”  He stopped her “I have someone even more special to watch out for now.  Outside of Claire Graveless nothing in existence is immortal.  Lament had lived for countless ages, Arcane is the next closest thing to an immortal and now Lament is free of him!  Let’s find those ruins we may be able to rest there.” 

                “What about her body Raxe?” asked John.  As soon as he said it the body reduced to dust.  “We were born from dust and we will return to dust” were Raxe’s final words on the subject.

To Be Continued...

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