Black Mirrors

Black Mirrors

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                Once again man has opened the box but just not any box.  We foolishly reopened Pandora’s Box.  But this time we did not close it and it may be impossible to undo.  In our race for progress we may or may not have ignored certain warning signs along the way.  Sure having the world at your fingertips, really who could resist that?  AS the next generation of wireless technology was announced the world had become inundated with the previous generations.  Black mirrors had made it worldwide.  Most everyone had at least one: TV, Cellphone, Tablet or Computer.  No one ever gave it a second thought as they turned off their device and gazed into the blackened reflection of their own personal black mirror.  More and more wireless technology was being released daily it had gotten to the point where entire homes could be controlled wirelessly. 

                Have you ever looked at your: TV, Phone, Tablet or Computer and felt eyes staring back at you?  Many adults would say no too distracted by the things around them to notice.  The same goes for teenagers who cannot be away from their phones for more than a minute at a time.  The small children might argue with you about why they broke the screen to your favorite toy.  The most anyone ever gets from them though is “Monsters gone!”  Like Atlantis and many other civilizations before us our world ended and we were left to fight it out amongst ourselves and amongst the entities summoned here by the power of those black mirrors!

                “An ethereal shift is eminent” Coralline yelled as she studied her Electromagnetic Field Detector (EMF).  “The reading is off the scale.”  “Okay people here they come ready your weapons.”  Jeff continued to yell more orders but I was far too nervous to hear most of them.  I had been surviving alone for months before they found me.  I relied on my strength and senses to see me through not to mention a few cool tricks I had picked up in my previous life before it all ended.  I am what you would call a spiritualist medium I can see the unseen so until I met these people I did a pretty good job of avoiding those things.  Unfortunately for me Jeff saw me blast away a group of them with nothing more than words he has not let me out of his sight since.  These people are nuts picking a fight with something you cannot see it’s completely insane.  I will admit finding out you can hurt these things with your bare hands was fun.  The only catch is your will must not waver or it will not work.  The sound of scraping metal echoed through the air resounding through the moon lit night as they all drew their swords.  Jeff yelled “you must believe you can cut them and will yourself to attack.  Try not to make eye contact or your courage will slip away.”

                Coralline looked again at her EMF “they’re manifesting steel yourselves here they come. Sh#! it is one of those hat wearing shadow man mother f#&kers and he is not alone in total I count thirteen including him.”  As shots rang out Jeff could be heard screaming God D&@mit stop shooting it’s a waste of ammunition.  One of the other newbies had cracked under the pressure.  As I looked at the scene before us I could not blame him.  Those things with their burning red eyes and horribly sharp teeth I mean this is the sh#! nightmares runaway from and we’re going to fight it?!  In total there were thirteen entities the hat wearing bastard was clearly the leader the other twelve four foot tall red eyed ones were just minions nothing more than wraiths. 

“Collins why have you not drawn your weapon?”  Jeff reached to grab his shirt before he could the young man he was yelling at slapped his hand away and punched him in the face.  Jeff hit the ground and sat up dazed.  The young man had charged straight into the middle of them yelling “I remember the days when you bastards just popped out of closets and doorways just staring draining our resolve.  You haunted old houses and buildings as well as places where power naturally gathered.  You were the stuff of our nightmares the boogiemen of our myths and legends.  The things that made us uneasy about going in our attics and basements the crap we watched on paranormal TV programs.  Just die you scary ass bastards.”  His sword slashed through them like scissor through paper. What made it worth watching was his sword was not made of metal like the others he was still in training so he was wielding a sword made of a high grade polymer material.  He had slashed down all of the red eyed shadows all that was left was the hat man His eyes were more like red fire.  As he swung the sword the hat man caught it and yanked it out of his hands.  Soon the beast had its hands around his throat pining him to the ground crushing his chest.  The young man felt his life draining he could not move.  His arms were free but he felt paralyzed.  Suddenly he remembered dreams he had as a child or at least he had thought they were dreams.  Enraged his hands rose off the ground and as he clapped them together he began to mutter the thing screamed like it was burning from the inside out.  It let go with one arm and pummeled the young man who did not stop muttering.  It let go with the other hand and clasped its head as Jeff came swooping in taking it’s head off with his sword.  The thing blew away like black smoke in the wind. 

                “Are you okay Collins, can you stand?”  Coralline was wafting her EMF all around “there is too much interference I won’t be able to use this to find it sir.”  “Fan out in groups of three and find that black mirror if we don’t break it they will respawn and they will be pissed.  Collins you’re with me and Coralline I knew there was a fighter in you, now take that fire and your special gift and find that mirror.”

                As the reality of what I had don set in. it dawned on me he really had not been bullying me.  He had been trying to activate my fighting spirit.  So I did my thing I sat down and closed my eyes.  Visualize show me where it is?  It came in flashes but I saw the top floor of a nearby building.  As I stood up “it’s up there” as I pointed Jeff handed me my sword back.

                “Everyone form up on me, Collins here believes the mirror to be on the top floor of that building.  We’ll use the fire escape to gain entry and make our way up.  That place could be crawling with the taken.  You newbies may not know why we carry side arms the reason we do is to defend ourselves against the taken.  These are demonically possessed people under those things control you see one shoot to kill.  Put your EMF Googles on if you see a person and it flashed red shoot them if it flashes green help them to escape.  How does it look to your eyes Collins?”  “The building looks clean I see no eyes staring back at me through the walls but that does not mean it is safe that place could be crawling with taken.”

                The ascent had begun hand over hand and one at a time they climbed to the top floor a faint light could be seen flashing.  Coralline spoke “we found the mirror sir.  But it is surrounded by taken I see there are thirteen just like the number that attacked us outside.”  She had been too loud they had heard her and were bounding toward her none of them even moved like humans.  Their bodies were nothing more than shells.  All of the newbies froze in terror as I stepped forward drawing my gun for the first time I fired until the room fell silent.  All of the growls and snarls had gone quiet there was blood everywhere.  Jeff was calmly and methodically checking everybody for more black mirrors and as he found ones who still had a little life he ended them. Cocking the hammer back on his Smith and Wesson 686 plus 357mg click, click boom seven times later he emptied the spent cartridges from his cylinder and reloaded.  I drew my sword and smashed the TV to bits of smoking metal and glass.  As I stood there I realized what must have been the true fates of all those mysterious civilizations that had vanished leaving barely a trace of once mighty cultures.  They too had reached this point and accidently or purposly summoned these things and were destroyed by them.  Time passed and it all faded into legend. 

                “That will be all Collins thank you for your report!”  As the door slammed shut from another room entered Jeff “are you done debriefing Collins?”
He asked, already knowing the answer.  “You found yourself a livewire there Jeff talents like his are few and far between train him well.”

To Be Continued...

Black Mirrors 2 School Daze

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