1313 Cemetery Way 22 The Fairy Knights II

1313 Cemetery Way 22
The Fairy Knights II
All of my worlds are connected.  The back story to the Fairy Knights is contained in my Book Other Realms.  For sale on amazon.  Author page link below.

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                Claire took a quick hard look around as the dust settled.  Before she knew it she had said it.  “I can’t believe it, it still exists.  The main Ravenwood house still exists.  This is the place they held me.  Testing my immortality…”  John heard every word and was just as surprised as her.  He had seen it destroyed in a dream of his past.

                His shield had held and as the dust cleared further three human like shapes slowly took form in the doorway.  Wendy was the first to see Claire.  As she studied her features, her face manor of standing and the man standing beside her she knew who she had to be.  It was as if the house told her.  “Claire Graveless the immortal and John Ravenwood the incarnate have come.”  Aura looked at her with her bright orange eyes “what do you mean Wendy?”  “All will be explained Aura for now we need to apologize our battle with Arcane has left us a little jumpy.”  Wendy stepped forward as John moved to protect all of his friends.  The settling of all the dust was so loud neither side could hear the other’s conversation. Wendy calmly reached out her hand as if to shake hands, John lowered his shield and slowly yet cautiously took her hand.  In an instant he knew they were safe.  “My name is Wendy; Wendy Ravenwood You must be John Ravenwood and Claire Graveless.”  Both John and Claire were a little taken aback how had she knew their names?  The others were not so shocked they had seen this before with their former Teacher and mentor Merlin… he could do tricks like that.  They too had heard what Claire had said.  Calyst moved to touch one of the walls “this house, it is like the Necropolis only it is more than a building it seems alive.”  A loud unearthly laugh filled the air “very good no one has noticed me in centuries.  I am the house of Ravenwood the first Ravenwood Nicholai was my human name.  To be honest until your arrival today I had been asleep.  The return of one of the master keys woke me up.”

                “You young man the one with the power of Lineage and the powers of both Death and the Realm of Nightmares.  You who wield the lost sword Dark Thunder why do I remember you?  Centuries have come and gone the world has shattered into all manner of alternate realities and times but there is no way you are still alive at least not as a young vibrant man.  I see now, you are not the original… reincarnation so that is your trick.. But you are only one third of a total soul.  The aspect of you that lay me open that day is not here.  Claire Graveless I know you to be a true immortal but I know not the reason why.  I must apologize for my occupants past actions against you.  The master of the house calls the shots I must obey.  I turned your powers off those many eons ago so they could try and destroy you to punish you for stealing his heart and to punish him for casting aside his heritage to go with you.  After I reformed I locked this part of the house away waiting for Dark thunder to reappear.  The master key had been destroyed so my Free will had been restored.  I made Dark Thunder the new Master Key, but never again would my will be eclipsed…”
                “Wendy I must apologize to you as well if I had been awake I could have saved your parents!”

                “No Nicholai you are not at fault no one could have stopped that monster.  The houses’ defenses tried and he smashed them like they were made of glass and paper.  Arcane the Vampire has been a Ravenwood enemy since the beginning of our history.  Even though Kurt with the help of My cousins Aura and Dusk obliterated him I don’t think he is gone.  He has been our enemy since the Elven light chose us as a family.”

                Claire suddenly noticed the necklace around Aura’s neck and then the one around Wendy’s.  It was all clear to her now why John was in three pieces, John, Margo and Dark John.  The necklace she had passed to John the day she saved him had passed to many other masters and finally found these three.  Aura and Wendy were unaware that two more had joined them.  Dusk and Raxe were as surprised to be there as Claire was when she saw them appear.  A woman that looked just like Aura was standing in the doorway the only difference were their eyes.  Aura had eyes as orange as a sunset and Dusk had eyes as purple as the night sky.  “Wendy what the hell are we doing here?”  Wendy was startled by her voice.  “Dusk when did you get here?” 

The house answered “I summoned her and her friend the time has come for a family reunion of sorts.  A truth must be revealed all of your destinies are at hand.  Wendy would you contact Master Oakwood this concerns him too.”  Wendy looked around “I think we need a better venue follow me everyone.”  Nicholai spoke up again Claire would you stay in here for a moment I need to speak with you alone?”

                Clair nodded her head and motioned for John to go on.  “Claire I saw you noticed and yes the necklace you gave to john has split into three.”  “I did not give it to him, when Death cursed me, I became unworthy, and the necklace chose John.  The day Death came for his soul John made a wish and has walked with me through the ages trying to free me.”  “That necklace is not of this world or any world, just what are you Claire?”  “I don’t know my first memory is of John bleeding out on a battle field and Death looming over him.  He was so handsome my wish was to save him and the necklace along with my power did so.  I stole from Death and he was pissed.  Through the ages I have grown in power and in sorrow John thought saving me would only take a few lifetimes but magic began to fade making it harder to travel and gather what we needed.  So I have been forced to watch as my love dies over and over again for my sake.”  “The loss of magic is why I fell into a deep slumber as well.  You should know Arcane is here in this world he did something that reawakened the force of magic.  It is still rippling throughout time and space.  His light brought the necklace back to our realities.  Wendy, Aura and Dusk may not like this but there may be no reason to continue fighting with him he got what he wanted.  His goal was not the necklace it was a means to an end.  But I do know this the necklace is deeply connected to John and it being split apart may have split him apart.” 

“If Arcane is here we need a piece of him our quest is more than just freeing me.  Death cursed me but did so knowing I had the power to stabilize and prevent the breakdown of reality.  There are four timelines or worlds we cannot access the realm of the Elves and the three worlds Lineage originally took root.  Over my time alive I researched and learned the truth of why magic was vanishing.  Arcane has a brother and in order to beat him a group used Lineage as part of a seal to split time sealing magic in one timeline and science in another the flaw was they are one in the same.  Magic is channeling the forces around you, science is altering and understanding those forces… in short they are the same damn thing.  But the break worked and they beat Daykin but he did not die instead he took on a new form.  He somehow corrupted the seal and locked those realities away, our true past, the new present and its broken future.  I know of Arcane and what the fool did.  If Assedo, Jeremy and their Rayven can’t stop Daykin he will take us reality by reality.  I am a place holder a counter balance, the split they triggered caused many mad realities to be born.  I can see I need to tell the whole story let’s join the others.”

                Claire took off down the stairs and soon rejoined the others.  “Everyone I was discussing it with Nicholai and I have a story that concerns us all.  Wendy could you go ahead and contact the person Nicholai suggested.”

To Be Continued...

1313 Cemetery Way 23

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