1313 Cemetery Way 19 The Doll House III

1313 Cemetery Way 19
The Doll House III

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Gustav and Calyst knew they had to act.  Their friends and family were in danger.  What they did not know made their situation more dangerous.  The images they were watching were: 1. Not in real time. And, 2. Not true to life.  Unknown to them, both of the parties had bought themselves some time John with his death scythe and Raven with her rite of ice.  For now they were not in mortal peril but the wall John destroyed was melting and the ice Raven made was breaking up as water forced its way through.  Both groups were still on the run.

Jack and John continued down the winding hallway caving in walls as they ran.  John with his scythe and Jack with his claws.  The hall just seemed to spiral on forever.  As they ran they heard the first barrier break the noise was deafening.  Claire and Raven heard it too.  “What was that?” Raven uttered as a watery hand shot past them.  The water was balmy the steam seemed to have form.  Claire saw it first “shit! Those hands are in the steam.”  Jack and John had no idea their attempts to slow the flames were putting the ones they loved in even more danger. 

The bottled up flames had begun to heat the water through the dimensional walls and as the ice turned to steam so did the hands.  The time lag had run its course and Calyst and Gustav could see the danger Claire and Raven were facing in real time.  They decided to open doors two at a time.  Side by side they stood ready to open their first doors.  Gustav looked at Calyst “there is no real guarantee that the voice was telling the truth”.  ”Okay Gustav on the count of three, one… two… three!”  They flung open their doors quickly getting out from in front of them.  Calyst slammed hers closed bracing herself against it.  Gustav narrowly dodged flying spikes as he looked at her, her door bulged.  “The room was full of those same dolls that attacked us outside.”  “Get away from the door Calyst. Timeless stars of the earth, born of the fire and the stone.  Shining through eternity. Adamant shredder!”  Calyst dove out of the way as the door exploded with hands reaching through, Gustav’s rite fired off a shotgun blast of diamond fragments.  The dolls were torn to pieces.  “Calyst use fire run to finish them.”  As the sun warms the Earth so too does the fire warm the hands of man.  Fire run!”  The dolls burned to ashes as the room and the doorway vanished. 

“John stop running I smell Raven and Claire they’re really close.”  Jack sniffed the air until he was nose to nose with the wall as he stepped away he began to claw the wall.  John motioned for him to move as Jack jumped away John slashed the wall.  As it shattered a red slit appeared, through it he saw Claire and Raven fighting for their lives against hands made of water and steam.  Before he could say a word Jack reached his arms through grabbing them both.  As Raven screamed thinking one if the hands had her.  She was suddenly in Jacks arms “I’ve got you!”  Claire rushed to John grabing him “thank goodness you are safe!”  As he hugged her back “I don't know about safe?!”  with the end of his sentence came multiple explosions as the shockwaves hit them “Everyone run” screamed John.  John and Jack began destroying the walls as an Erie glow was sighted by Raven and Claire.

In the hidden room the four watched them.  In dismay they sat these people were strong.  Just who were they.  One of them was hiding something he had recognized Claire and knew if she was here one of the men was John Ravenwood. He had known since he first saw them.  The time of the four was going to end.  His life had lost all meaning anyway, I died the day I bound my soul to this place.  Maybe they can end this nightmare and set me free.  Why did I listen to him anyway?  We have killed so many in order to maintain our false immortality.  We have even gone as far to hide from Death and his little girl Hecate.  Then he saw a shadow of a small cat following behind Jack.  It couldn’t be but it was one of the high level servants was with them too.  It truly was only a matter of time.  Death was coming for them and I am the only one who knows the truth.  Three of four emissaries are here. The two people that defied death John Ravenwood and Claire Graveless and the cat spirit of many names.  So that cat really is everywhere and nowhere. One more and the gateway will be open to Death.

His eyes returned to the crystal ball, where four of the six had reunited.  The watery hands were no longer in play or were they?  The tear John had made was still there!  Then the first hand reached through as Raven screamed and Jack grabbed her jumping rapidly away.  The situation was now a hundred times worse.  The concussive blast knocked them to the ground and John knew they had to run the flames were free and on the way.  As Claire stood up looking at John before she could say it he grabbed her hand “we need to run!  Jack you take Claire and Raven keep them in front of you we need to find another bottle neck like the one we first stopped the flames at.”  “John that trick has not worked why do it again?”  “Good question my friend we are not going to do the same thing again, this time we are going to break the dimensional barrier holding us.  I am going to make a hole in the barrier with my death scythe and then use my power of Lineage to shield us and make a pressure chamber.  When that fire hits those watery hands in the tight space I am going to make there should be a big explosion.”  Raven gasped “Channeling it through the hole that’s brilliant.”

They ran down the endlessly winding hallway until Jack saw it.  The place they would make their stand.  As he scouted it, it turned out to be even better for what john had in mind.  The hall tightened down and then suddenly opened up into a large rounded room and then tightened down again.  The water was right behind them and the fire wasn’t too much farther behind.  John slashed through the wall and then through the dimensional wall holding them.  “Everyone get close” he yell as his shield went up.  The hands grasped at the shield as the room filled with water.  They could all see a red glow as the fiery snake burst into the room.  The chain reaction John was hoping for had begun.  The water turned to steam and it got hotter and hotter then it happened.  The pressure began escaping through the dimensional hole.  For a brief moment it all went black as the blast occurred. 

The four men in the hidden room were hurriedly picking themselves off the ground.  The walls in that space were crumbling.  Their chairs were broken and the crystal ball had rolled off into a corner.  Johns plan had damaged the entire space.  The Doll House was broken.  One of the four had left the room in all of the confusion.  As he ran his thoughts turned to freedom.  The fourth emissary was the scythe!  “Free… Free I am going to be free!”

Calyst and Gustav were cautiously approaching the crumbled wall on the far side of the room of doors.  They could hear coughing and four familiar voices.  As they got closer they saw four silhouettes rise out of the dust.  “Gustav they’re alright, they are all alright.”  She charged up to her sister nearly smothering her “sis can’t breathe!”  Raven choked out.  As all six of them looked around they noticed one door that was not damaged.

To Be Continued...

1313 Cemetery Way 20

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