1313 Cemetery Way 20 The Doll House Downfall?

1313 Cemetery Way 20
The Doll House… Downfall?

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      The walls continued to crumble.  John's idea had broken down the dimensional barriers.  The whole place was crumbling now.  The six of them approached the door cautiously.  The whole house had been one death trap after another.  They all stared wondering what danger awaited them on the other side of the door.  John decided to be the one to open it; his heart was racing as sweat began to bead and drip from his brow.  Even with his ability he knew his timing had to be perfect.  Before his hand grasped the handle Claire stopped him “let me my love” he stopped and looked at her.  “Remember John I am immortal your new power makes you extraordinary but you are not invincible.”  Before he could argue she had placed both hands on his chest as she leaned in to kiss him on the lips the door burst open all of them jumped back ready for a fight.  None of them were ready for what came next.  “Claire Graveless and John Ravenwood help me!”

The voice cried through the door like the wail of a long forgotten banshee.  Only it was a man.  As the door swung open a man stood before them or what was left of a man.  Most of him was made up of the same material as the manikin like dolls that had attacked them.  “Please end my sad existence I can bare it no more, my life is not my own.”  Claire looked at his face, one of the few original parts left.  “I know you or I think I do?  You were one of four brothers but you were all heroes..”  The man doll stood looking as if he would cry but the tears could not flow from his artificial façade.  “You do remember me, the oldest of us died from a disease or we thought it was a disease he had been the strongest and most heroic but to die like that.  It left us vulnerable.  We were no longer untouchable that is when we met him.  He called himself the Doll Maker.  He himself was mostly a doll and always carried a crystal ball similar to the one we once witnessed you use.  John’s incarnation of our time had just died weeks before our brother, John had saved all of our lives.  It was not until after he had transformed us that I learned the truth.  The Doll Maker was the one who killed John and my oldest brother all to get his hands on the rest of us.  Our immortality is a false one we need to capture souls to sustain ourselves.  It was not like this before but once magic as a power source began to fade away so did our lives.”

“Claire looked around “for this place to work you must have a fragment of Excalibur.”  The Doll man spoke up quickly we have more than a fragment we have the hilt and four slivers of the blade.  They are inside us.  The Doll maker used us to gather them after he convinced us to take on the immortal doll bodies.  The only original parts are our faces, hearts and brains.  The doll bodies act as an armor that no blade can cut, no blade but one made for Death to wield.  John I am asking you to end us we have killed so many our crimes are so great in number.  It is time for judgement to come.  The two of you the scythe and that man’s spirit cat will bring Death himself here.”  Everyone was confused by his statement.

Suddenly a raspy harmonic voice shook the air “my father is busy with other things but I have come in his place.”  The air went cold and the walls crumble to the echo of her voice.  Gustav shook with fear.  Calyst and Raven were surprised they had never seen him tremble like that. Just who was she they wondered.  Before all of them stood a tall and slender woman with elongated features, there was something haunting, scary yet beautiful about her.  Claire broke the silence “nice to see you Kate how have you been?”  The slender creature turned to Claire with what looked like a smile but just looked at her silently.  She knew what the Dark version of John had done and knew she was not allowed to tell Claire or the other John.  Her voice boomed again “Draw your sword fallen hero you must make your demise look convincing, look as if you fought for your life against them, your brothers and the Doll Maker are coming and they don’t share your remorse.”  As the grinding resonance of her voice faded the three arrived just in time to see him draw his sword and charge John.  The sword just bounced off of John’s shield soon his brothers had joined the battle.  Jack came falling into the fray from above trying to smash one of them with the force of his wind and claws.  All he managed was to knock them to the ground and tear their cloaks revealing the extent of their doll bodies.  “Dirty beast” one of the brothers screamed.  Jack soon turned to attacking their swords which shattered like glass against his claws.  The three brothers stood in shock before John and Jack who then screamed to Raven “My love pin them in place, forget that woman she is not here for us.  Since the fight had started Raven and Calyst were covering the being Claire had called Kate.  Gustav was frozen in fear locked in her gaze. 

Calyst joined her sister, “John we need to move” Jack yelled.  The two of them jumped away as the sisters began their rite.  “Beauty like the clearest crystal, frozen, timeless, locked in place.  Demon Bind!”  This was not ice that crawled up their bodies, the brothers could struggle but it was too late.  Their bodies were incased in Quartz crystal.  But where was the Doll maker and where had Claire gone.  The slender shade of a woman was missing too!

Down a twisted hallway Claire and Kate had cornered the Doll maker.  Claire had already broken his crystal ball “You vile insignificant cockroach” Claire yelled “you are not even fit to be compared to them in fact that is an insult to the little bugs.  Your Doll body may protect you from normal attacks and rites but as you saw there are some you can’t guard against.”  The Doll Maker looked at Claire “you can’t be real true immortals don’t exist I saw you die with that man.”  The air trembled as Kate spoke “you silly little fool this woman defied Death and stole from him so he punished her by removing himself from her forever trapping her in her own flesh.” 

“I am Claire Graveless, Graveless because I can never die.  I remember the day we saved the brothers from a Death trap.  John lost his life that version of it at least, I was fatally injured but due to what I am I recovered before the brothers found us.  The youngest of them knew about us and had been helping us.  He is even helping us now!” Claire smirked and then laughed.

The Doll Maker was confused “What did you mean that version of it?”  Claire smiled as Kate answered, her voice further crumbling what was left of the walls.  “John also defied Death my father and set in motion a set of endless incarnations so Claire would never be alone.  Their love is as timeless as I am.  Claire use their hearts to make the fragments you need, I will see they get to the Necropolis.  The Dark version of John is cunning he has set in motion a set of events forcing me and my father to help you all succeed.” 

The Doll Maker was huddled in a corner whimpering.  “Stay away from me, you can’t exist I refuse to believe it.”  Kate reached for him touching his breast plate as it crumbled away Clair saw the hilt and a shard of the sword.  The circuitry looked familiar Jack the Ripper had used Excalibur in a similar way.  The sword was being used as a medium to absorb the energy from souls.  The building trapped them and then the hilt and four other shards transmitted them to the hearts and minds of the four.  His heart was no longer flesh it had long sense dried up and turned to a crystalline substance.  Claire viciously ripped it out of him before he could scream.  It all fell silent, as Kate trapped his soul.  The two of them returned to the others.  Where Kate spoke to John “Use the scythe to cleave them Collect what is left of their hearts and hand them to me John.”  Her voice was surprisingly gentle this time. 

Within seconds John had cut the brothers to pieces.  His ferocity surprised Claire; this version of him was radically different from the previous versions.  But after all, this version had been divided amongst three lives.  John quietly handed the Hearts over to Kate.  “You are doing well this time three villains and one hero. So far you have five heroes and four villains.  The Dark John had collected about six villains and zero heroes.  He is trying to find another way as well.  I will see you all soon!”  With that she was gone.  Claire had been busy collecting the shards of Excalibur.  “We have another mission you guys we need to find all of the pieces of Excalibur they have proven to be too dangerous to leave alone.”

Before she finished her sentence the light had surrounded them as they vanished so too did the Doll House, crumbling away into nothingness.  With a crash and a noise like thunder they were in the next world and could hear voices closing on them.  “Kurt you ready?”  Locked and loaded Wendy.”  “Aura be a dear and kick open the Door.”  A woman with eyes like that of the setting sun drew a revolver and kicked the door as it buckled John threw up his shield ready to protect everyone…

To Be Continued...

1313 Cemetery Way 21

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