Black Mirrors 3 School Daze Underground

Black Mirrors 3
School Daze Underground

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                                          Collins never heard her scream; the collapse of the floor beneath him had been far too loud.  As he picked himself up, dusting off flecks of rubble, he attempted to look around him but it was far too dark.  Not even a moonless night was this dark.  He could hear what sounded like something scurrying around but could not decide if it was something alive or if it was just the broken bits of the three of four floors he just fell through.  To calm himself he decided to hash out his inner thoughts as an out loud conversation with himself.  Slowly he ran his fingers all along his body in the pitch blackness.  “I don’t seem to be injured, so far not even a scratch.”  This fact troubled him because he had literally fallen several stories and survived, a normal human would have been hurt.  The sound had grown louder and it was clearly something scurrying around the room or cave or whatever it was.  “Okay there is definitely something down here with me and its getting closer.  Please let it be anything but spiders, rats, roaches, the Taken anything even that tentacle wielding bastard.”  The sound had reached him and with it small amounts of ambient light.  Each tiny bit of light was followed by slightly larger moving chunks of light and as the room surged with light he realized he was in a cave filled with broken marble columns.  It reminded him of the pictures he had seen growing up.  It looked as though he was standing in an ancient ruin in Greece but that was across an ocean from here?!  To his horror he saw what was making the light “spiders it just had to be spiders, but what the hell is that thing behind all of them?”  A large hulking shadow was moving closer and closer, the outline seemed human until you got past the torso!

                                          Quickly he scanned the area looking and hoping for a way out, then he spotted an opening large enough for him to squeeze through and run.  “I am not waiting around to find out dammit I’m getting the hell out of here.”  Once through he notices normal brick lined walls he was back in the school or was he?  He knew they would be on him if he stopped running so without even a direction he took off “there has to be some stairs somewhere!”  He glanced back and took his horror four really large spiders legs were clawing at the opening and the walls had begun to crack “come back my love the children are hungry.”  The soft voice filled the air and chilled him to the core, as he took a closer look at himself he realized he was covered in webbing and the trail lead all the way back to the thing breaking its way in.  Too make it worse the spiders were following along it after him.  The floor was so thick with them it looked as if it was a moving conveyer belt, the likes of which you would see in an airport.  Quickly he drew his sword hacking at the web and killing the spiders that had reached him as he killed them the thing clawing at the wall screamed “my babies your killing my babies” at last the wall buckled and out it stepped to the front was the upper torso of a beautiful woman but it was attached to a giant minivan sized spider body.  Remembering the columns he had seen it hit him who he was looking at this was Arachne the cursed mother of all spiders but how could she be alive that story is thousands of years old?  The Black mirrors are Pandora’s Box so how many more myths could be factual accounts?  As he took a defensive stance sword in had he slinked back little by little until he bumped something that felt like a door knob.  Quickly he grabbed it turned it and flung open the door behind it stood a red eyed shadow man just slightly taller than the short blob versions this one was more human looking in shape than they were.  But behind him was set of stairs leading up and away.   He quickly rotated his whole body slashing upward with his sword cutting through the shadow man diagonally as it dissipated he slammed the door wedging it shut with everything he could find “it’s a good thing that door opens inward toward the stairs that will make it harder to open.”  Collins charged up the stairs as if his ass was on fire!

The Room of Guillotines

                                          “It’s been a while since we had a woman of Asian descent for the ritual!”  The room was filled with people shrouded in dark cloaks.  “Brothers and sisters she is also a beautiful example of a woman.”  She knew instantly what these people were; the survivors of the cataclysm can be divided into four groups of people: General Survivors, Collectors, the Taken and Cultists.  The Cultists are even more dangerous than the Collectors, the Collectors seek to fight these things and restore order their main fault is they collect survivors and force them to fight even if they don’t want too.  They especially like gathering those with supernatural abilities for their cause.  The Cultists on the other hand worship these dark beings as gods and offer up General Survivors as blood and physical sacrifices Killing people and creating more Taken in an attempt to summon more of those things through their fear.   

                                          These a$$holes were Cultists, they must view this place like others would view a church or shrine.  “It’s no use struggling my dear” the man holding her said as he grabbed hold and crushed one of her breasts.  As she gasped “such a lovely voice you have” it was a woman’s voice “Can I have her eyes once we are done my brother?  I want to add them to my collection!”  “My sister that is a wonderful idea they will make a nice addition to it.  I look forward to seeing it after you have added them.”

                                          Her fear began welling up in her much as it did when Collins had entered the circular room full of doors.  Unknown to him she had seen him and was so afraid of him that her power came out.  The doors opening and slamming, glass breaking all of it had been caused by her.  Suddenly the man holding her was thrown across the room slamming into the wall with tremendous force as his body slumped to the floor it was clear something was off about the way his head was hanging.  The impact had broken his neck.  Quickly the woman who wanted her eyes pounced on her pinning her to the ground “so you’re a poltergeist my dear, we have use for your blood and your pain, most of all your fear!”  She felt a little pinch and saw the woman holding a syringe.  It’s just a paralytic you will be awake and feel everything we do to you but that bothersome power will be completely restrained.  Take her to the Guillotine room do I have any volunteers to be sacrificed with her?  We need her sexual energy too.  Her fear began to grow she was about to be raped and murdered.  She knew what a Guillotine was the French had made great use of them during their last revolution cutting off many people’s heads.  The true horror did not hit her until they pulled off her shirt and bra laying her on a cold table her left arm was strapped down and so were her legs. She was lying on her back looking up at the blade as they locked her head in place.  Just above was another circular opening, a place to put another person’s head.  The woman leaned over and whispered into her ear “how this works my dear is here in a few minutes that paralytic I gave you will start to wear off, we have left your right arm free so that you may choose.  That look in your eyes tells me your question, what do you mean choose?  Your right arm will be holding the rope attached to the blade, you can either let it go and die before he rapes you, allow him to get on top of you and kill both of you before he rapes you, let it go and kill both of you while he rapes you or suffer the full ordeal and have it slip from you exhausted hand when you can hold it no longer!  Don’t get any of those martyr ideas either he dies today either way!”

                                          The prospect was horrifying all she could think of, was the man who tried to save her from the fall, had he survived it.  She began wishing for him to save her begging for it in her mind over and over.  As she felt her pants being undone and the rope being placed in her hand, the realization that her death was in her hand sank in.  Her pants were down at her knees now and her panties had…  A door burst open and a practice sword smash mightily down bouncing the man who was going to rape her head on the ground.  In seconds the other Cultists had been knocked down and out.  It was the man she had given the crystal too.  In the excitement she lost her grip on the rope and the blade came roaring down stopping inches from her neck he had caught the rope just in time, using his sword he pinned it and began undoing the restraints.  Her body was still numb but she could move a little more.  As he sat her up and handed her, her shirt and bra they both notice the room was full of Guillotines and that it looked as if it had always been a part of the school.  Her brother’s last conversation with her before it all ended, hit hard echoing in her mind, there had been numerous male and female students who had gone missing and she was looking at their fate.

                                          It was a struggle but she managed to get her clothes back in order.  Collins quickly removed his sword and the blade sliced the air and hit the bottom with a disturbing thud.  Within that sound both of them saw the tortures that had been inflicted the deaths and the sorrow for a brief moment it was as if they had been there.  As he stumbled she caught him but both of them still hit the ground she was still too numb to support him, “you saw it too?”  He whispered as he lifted both of them up.  He had read of this ability in the archives it was called scrying.  He knew they had to get out of there before that thing in the basement got loose.  “We have to run!  Something I can’t describe is right behind us down stairs its pissed and it will break through eventually.”  The building began to shake and a voice boomed “you killed my babies my children, you will pay… human you will pay!” The building was shaking, shuddering as if something was clawing up through it.  It was then he noticed there were spiders everywhere watching them, he spotted one crawling out of the ear of the Cultist he had smashed to the ground… were the spiders controlling them, were they another manifestation out of the black mirrors?  The shaking had gotten worse and his new friend was still too numb to walk so running was out of the question.  He sheathed his sword and picked her up running toward the fading light of the sun, it glimmered through a window without a thought he jumped and kicked through it.  All the way down the hallway he had seen spider after spider with their eight eyes tracking his movements.  Fortunately for both of them his guess they were at ground level had been spot on.

                                          Jeff and Coralline came charging up to him, before he could catch his breath he felt something crawling on his head he swiped his hands clawing at his head as a large spider hit the ground “f#$king spider bastards” he yelled as he jumped up and down on it squishing it thoroughly.  “Explain yourself son” Collins had been so shaken by the spiders he had completely forgotten he had a gun, “never mind Jeff we need to run before it gets here!”  “Run from…”  Before he could finish the sentence the backup group they were supposed to be part of arrived “none of you are going anywhere your little conspiracy is over Jeff.  Coralline and your little golden boy are coming with us and so is she!”  The building erupted spiders like a volcano and as its façade faded there she was in all of her spider glory, Arachne mother of all spiders had broken through to the surface.  In the confusion she created Collins picked up the girl and began to run, Jeff and Coralline were not far behind them two shots rang out and he turned and saw both of them fall.  Just as the shooter had him in his sights Arachne struck taking the shooter’s head off.  Jeff and Coralline were still alive but bleeding badly the guy was a damn good shot “Collins I am so sorry for dragging you into this” Jeff gurgled “take my sword and my gun and run!”  Coralline was in a similar state “take this please it runs on its own power source and links to a network I made separate from the Black Mirrors it contains our full story and archives.”  The screen began to blink “that means the Electromagnetic field is fluctuating an etherial shift is eminent you two need to run.”  Finally, the paralytic had run its course and she could stand under her own power, she reached for Collins hand and lifted him up “shall we then” she smiled.  Her smile was like the light of a thousand suns illuminating this darkened world.
                                          As they ran away Jeff Crawled over to Coralline grasping her hand “do you think they will make it?”  “We’ve done all we can Jeff!”  They were now surrounded by red eyed shadows that were closing in but something else was with them a girl with elegant elongated features, pale skin and long dark hair and holding her hand was a very unassuming young man.  As they walked toward them the shadows vanished “my name is Hecate my father Death has sent me to claim the two of you!”  Her voice shook the air and rattled the ground as the world grew cold and vanished.

To Be Continued...

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