1313 Cemetery Way 23 Fairy Knights Lament Strikes! 1313 Cemetery Way 22 All of my worlds are connected. The back story to the Fairy Knights is contained in my Book Other Realms. For sale on amazon. Author page link below. Also checkout my other works. Amazon Author Page and like me on Facebook Haunted Castle's Books Facebook Page Blog Series Forget Me Not 1313 Cemetery Way Black Mirrors As everyone arrived in the room downstairs it began to change. Brief fading images of coaches were being replaced by a large round table. Even Wendy was surprised. The only ones who weren’t were the last to arrive in the room. Claire and Nicholai came through the doorway and as they did he went from a human shaped talking shadow to the image of a man. His hair...
1313 Cemetery Way 4 Lost Time 1313 Cemetery Way 3 Also checkout my other works. Amazon Author Page and like me on Facebook Haunted Castle's Books Facebook Page Blog Series Forget Me Not 1313 Cemetery Way Black Mirrors "How did you know I had a dream?" John was highly confused. The last things he remembered were placing the last book on the shelf and then holding that strange sword hanging on the other side of the room. Waking up in Claire's lap was even more shocking. How did he get there without waking up? For that matter what time was it? Clearly as far as he could figure hours had passed his parents were probably wondering where he was. All he had told them when he left was he was heading out to run a few errands. What he could tell from Claire's countenance was time did not mean much to her this should have ...
Ghosts and Graves How many more full moons will you see? Also checkout my other works. Amazon Author Page Also checkout my other works. Amazon Author Page and like me on Facebook Haunted Castle's Books Facebook Page Blog Series Forget Me Not 1313 Cemetery Way Black Mirrors Here is a sample Ghosts and Graves I hope you enjoy. Prologue Hidden deep in what is now the southern United States stands a decaying, Victorian mansion. It had once been the jewel of the south and had placed this small town on the map. In its hay day it was nothing short of a southern style castle. Roman like columns framed the front entrance. Ornate crystal chandeliers lit your way through the corridors. The prettiest green wall paper you had ever seen covered the walls. This mansion was out in ...
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