The Ghost in the Mirror

The Ghost in the Mirror

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The Ghost in the Mirror

              When I was little my mother and grandmother owned and ran a little antique shop in my home town, I grew up around all kinds of old and neat things. Most children can be destructive but I had a sense of reverence for these things, it was inspiring to me.  The older an object was the more interest I tended to pay it.   There was this one piece however that always made me uncomfortable.  I am not sure if it is a vanity or a dresser all I do know is, it is a Victorian era piece and is very old.  My mother still owns it even now it is one of the few pieces we kept when we closed down the shop.  Now that I am older it is not as scary to me as it was as a child.  The dresser itself is not the object I feared it was the image I had associated with it. 

              The dresser has a mirror in the center and that is framed by two pedestal like drawers on either side, all of this sets on top of a piece like a chest of drawers, the whole thing has kind of a black tone to it, so in dimly lit rooms with the intricate carvings around the mirror it takes on an ominous appearance.  One can only imagine what it must have looked like via candle light coming from the candelabras connected to the right and left sides of the mirror.  As I mentioned the piece itself no longer bothers me.  The dresser was clearly meant for a high class woman to use this much I did know as a child.  I avoided it like the plague at the antique shop but my nightmare did not start until my mother and grandmother decided to close down the shop.  The dresser was moved to my mother’s bedroom not really a problem right?   With the layout of our house it was, all of the bedrooms are on a hallway located to one side of the house.  Her bedroom was the master bedroom at the end of the hall.  The hallway went right into her room.  It went right to that dresser!  You enter the hallway at one end and look down it; you would be looking right at that dresser.  My bathroom was the last door on the left right before her bedroom, the dresser frightened me as a child, especially in the dark.  I can remember many dead sprints to the bathroom where I was trying to avoid the hands from underneath my bed and the thing in the mirror.  It was a constant source of nightmares to me. 

              At night something would come out of the mirror and visit me in my dreams.  She had to be about fifteen or sixteen had long flowing beautiful hair, pale skin and a necklace with a blue stone around her neck.  The dress she wore was typical of the Victorian era, tight around the torso and billowed out with that bird cage effect they used, it had lost any sense of color, it was stark white and flowed with the wind, the only problem was we were indoors.  I encountered her repeatedly in my dreams until my late twenties.  I will never forget the first time I saw her come out of the mirror; I was four or five years old at the time.  I ran for my life and found mom, I actually woke up screaming in bed but you all know how dreams go. 

              The dreams continued like this for years; with each age I reached I was farther down the hall as she appeared.  The first time I was at the hall entrance the second by the hall closet.  Somewhere in here I became a teenager and as you know teenagers are cocky, particularly teenage boys.  In this dream I was at the doorway to my mother’s bedroom, I had decided I was not going to be afraid of her anymore.  In a brash act of teenage foolishness I called her out, with several choice expletives.  At first she just appeared in the mirror and stared at me, I guess she did not understand me until I hurled a few Victorian insults at her, “come out of that mirror you GONG-FARMER, you DIRTY PUZZLE” it was that one that got her, in our language I had called her a whore.  There were electric lights in all of these dreams they just did not play a huge role until this one.  As I got older in the dreams I was always a little farther down the hall.  This fact is important to know.  When she burst forth from the mirror she was angry the electric lights did not just go off they exploded.  There were sparks flying everywhere, it was then I saw it a detail I had missed my whole life she had no eyes, where they should have been were nothing more than black empty voids, combined with that pale face and dress, she was terrifying.  She flew right at me, with her arms reached out; before she could grab me I had turned and started to run.  As I beat a path down the hall heading for my room on the other end, I began to quickly regress in age, first came thirteen then ten, a few seconds later I was seven.  With each step the hallway stretched and my room seemed farther away.  She was right on my heels the second my hand touched the door knob of my room, I was now Four or five the age I had been when I first saw her, I flung the door open and slammed it behind me, leaped across the room into my bed and buried myself under my covers.  Awake now and hyperventilating I sat up a teenager once again, dripping in a cold sweat.  The image of her eyes or lack thereof locked in my mind’s eye.  The ghost in the mirror had won that one. 

              Though none of the dreams were as nightmarish as this I continued to encounter her even as an adult, in those places were dreams, memories and reality blur together.  I will never forget her, the woman of my nightmares; my ghost in the mirror. 

Written by

A. J. Phillips

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